Viral videos are storming the internet, whether it's a set-up ad campaign from a company or someone just filming their cat doing a trick... they are everywhere. You'll hear people talking about them and it's this hype that leads to the videos getting passed around, but maybe you're out of the loop or maybe you don't even like a video that gets 50+ million hits. Well, view some of them here... I've scraped through YouTube for some good and bad videos. Welcome to the world of Viral.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Don't say NO to Panda Cheese. This series of adverts is possibly the strangest but somehow hilarious campaign. I know I won't be saying no to panda cheese.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

FAINTING GOATS! Now I have your attention, if you can cope with the 240p quality of this clip, and I hope that you can... it's most definitely worth a watch. These poor goats suffer from a stiffening of the limbs when scared disorder, but it's so cute and at the same time a little bit sad. Not so much an angry baby just a little saddened.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

OK a lot of people hate Justin Beiber but I do feel bad for him getting a water bottle thrown at him but with over 5 million views I think a lot of people are relishing this fact. Poor guy! He only wants to sing! 

I realise this is old news for most people with it having nearly 200 million views and all but it really is timeless. This 6 minute clip with inspirational comedian Judson Laipply is amazing. I found myself sitting here smiling while watching it, something about it just makes you feel happy. I'm interviewing Judson tomorrow (5.3.2012) and as a special treat, to hear an interview with the man himself, visit If you haven't watched this yet DO IT, if you have DO IT AGAIN.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

SO CUTE!! Not only is this little cutie, Maddie, witty to start with but her Dad who created the clip decided to put over some funny subtitles to what Maddie is really trying to say. Such a cute video and it's no surprise it's already into 4 million views when it's only been out a couple of months. 

Monday, 27 February 2012

The idea behind this is hilarious and so many people all over the world have uploaded videos of themselves trying 'The Cinnamon Challenge' - GloZell's big personality makes for a funny video.

Nearly a million hits. WHY? Very strange video - can anything go viral? It seems that way.