Viral videos are storming the internet, whether it's a set-up ad campaign from a company or someone just filming their cat doing a trick... they are everywhere. You'll hear people talking about them and it's this hype that leads to the videos getting passed around, but maybe you're out of the loop or maybe you don't even like a video that gets 50+ million hits. Well, view some of them here... I've scraped through YouTube for some good and bad videos. Welcome to the world of Viral.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Don't say NO to Panda Cheese. This series of adverts is possibly the strangest but somehow hilarious campaign. I know I won't be saying no to panda cheese.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

FAINTING GOATS! Now I have your attention, if you can cope with the 240p quality of this clip, and I hope that you can... it's most definitely worth a watch. These poor goats suffer from a stiffening of the limbs when scared disorder, but it's so cute and at the same time a little bit sad. Not so much an angry baby just a little saddened.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

OK a lot of people hate Justin Beiber but I do feel bad for him getting a water bottle thrown at him but with over 5 million views I think a lot of people are relishing this fact. Poor guy! He only wants to sing! 

I realise this is old news for most people with it having nearly 200 million views and all but it really is timeless. This 6 minute clip with inspirational comedian Judson Laipply is amazing. I found myself sitting here smiling while watching it, something about it just makes you feel happy. I'm interviewing Judson tomorrow (5.3.2012) and as a special treat, to hear an interview with the man himself, visit If you haven't watched this yet DO IT, if you have DO IT AGAIN.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

SO CUTE!! Not only is this little cutie, Maddie, witty to start with but her Dad who created the clip decided to put over some funny subtitles to what Maddie is really trying to say. Such a cute video and it's no surprise it's already into 4 million views when it's only been out a couple of months. 

Monday, 27 February 2012

The idea behind this is hilarious and so many people all over the world have uploaded videos of themselves trying 'The Cinnamon Challenge' - GloZell's big personality makes for a funny video.

Nearly a million hits. WHY? Very strange video - can anything go viral? It seems that way.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Now this video is special. It has a place in my heart as I've watched it from the day Charles Trippy proposed to his now wife Alli. Charles decided to blog daily over 1000 days ago now and you can watch everyday on YouTube. Maybe his viral success has come from this constant vlogging (video blogging) but the wedding video has harboured over 2 million views and it's SO touching. I can't even give this just a happy monkey = 
A baby monkey riding backwards on a pig. That's literally all this video is but partnered with an annoyingly (but fun) theme tune it makes a viral hit. So is the secret of success something that makes people laugh? Who knows... but this video gets massive support from his monkey friends = 
IS THIS REAL LIFE?! This video sees poor David after his dentist appointment where he's clearly been given some anaesthetic or something. It's absolutely hilarious. 107+ million views = 
Cat with a box... it all kicks off from about 50 seconds in but the first 50 seconds you're left wondering how this video has over 7 million views. This video shows that anything can go viral, literally anything. This video has left this monkey stumped = 

This video only came out two days ago and it's already nearly on 1 million views. It isn't unexpected as Cassetteboy has come out with hits before such as; Cassetteboy vs. Dragon's Den. The mash up of newsreader George Alagiah makes for a funny watch = 

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Beware: angry ginger guy and some foul language. This is one annoyed ginger guy having a rant about South Park and how gingers 'do have souls'. It went viral quickly, not only that but South Park then replied with further ripping into him which then prompted another video. His angry approach seems a bit MUCH and I feel his rant doesn't deserve the over 26 million hits. His rant makes this baby = 
FENTON... OH JESUS CHRIST... FENTON! Not all viral videos are created through the craftmanship and clever heads of the advertising world. This man was out for a stroll when he stumbled across another man trying to catch up with his dog...FENTON... who was terrorising some poor deer. Over 5 million hits and a very catchy quote. Monkey be happy = 
ABSOLUTE GENIUS. Old Spice was linked to old people, now it's linked to this guy. It's catchy, it's witty and it has phrases you can catch people saying over and over again. This advert completely re-branded Old Spice and with nearly 40 million hits this video reeks of viral goodness. This monkey is about to get really happy = 
Relive Ferris Bueller's Day Off... Broderick plays himself in this advert where he takes a day off to hang out with his new Honda CV-R. Over 14 million hits but it lost it's way a bit.  So for that it gets this = 
An extended version of the 2012 Big Game Volkswagen commercial has over 12 MILLION hits on YouTube. The idea behind this ad is that the new sporty looking Beetle inspires the family dog to get into shape so it can run along with the car. It's fairly cute to begin with but I'd much prefer it without it going off on one at the end. For this extended version, it gets = 
A pint-sized Darth Vader uses the 'force' when he discovers the new Volkswagen Passat on his driveway. This video was broadcast during the Big Game in 2011, it now boasts over 51 million hits on YouTube. The little Darth Vader accompanied by 'The Imperial March' - Vader's theme tune =